April 24, 2023

Workshop on Research Methodology : Selection of a Journal for Research Publication

A workshop on Research Methodology : Selection of a Journal for Research Publication organized by IQAC and the  Staff Guild, on 24th April, 2023 from 10:00 […]
April 21, 2023

Lecture on the topic “Research Paper Writing”

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell and Staff Guild of the College jointly organised a session on Research Methodology on 21st April 2023. The resource person for […]
April 7, 2023

Session on menstrual hygiene for secondary school girls at Our Lady Of Merces High School

SBSI Student interns of MSc. Analytical Chemistry of our College, conducted a session on menstrual hygiene for secondary school girls at Our Lady Of Merces High […]
April 7, 2023

Workshop on upcycling of waste materials

SBSI interns of MSc. Analytical Chemistry of our College, conducted a workshop on upcycling of waste materials at Our Lady Of Merces High School as a […]
April 4, 2023

Visit to the Innovation hub – Incubation area at the Goal Science Centre

A visit to the Innovation hub – Incubation area at the Goal Science Centre was organized for the students by team IIC. Dr. Preethi Pandit and […]
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