Participative learning has become a watchword of 21st century academia. Almost all disciplines are hinging on multidimensional pedagogical strategies which can enhance learning experience by making them more integrative, blended and simulated. As such, there is an increased emphasis on a learner-centric approach โ€“ a diametric subversion to the traditional lecture method which was built largely on a uni-directional module. However, with technology making inroads in the field of education, there was a need felt to incorporate stratagem which reinforced the significance of the teacher as facilitator and underlined the role of the learner as an active participant in the teaching-learning process.

One of the burgeoning teaching methodologies which provides an effective participative module is Blended Learning.The institution has promoted Blended Learning as a hybrid mode of pedagogy in which traditional lectures are meaningfully combined with online tools, field-experience, hands-on training and creative programmes for enhanced learner-engagement in the following manner:

  • Integration of ICT: A proactive and systematised adoption of ICT was undertaken in incremental manner from 2015-16 to 2019-20 by increasing the number of LCD projectors and screens in classrooms, strengthen Wi-fi connectivity, providing OBL training to teachers, utilising LMS such as Moodle/Google Classroom and facilitating greater access to e-repositories of information such as KopyKitab, inflibnet etc. In addition to existing resources, customised content has been created for learners using digital tools.
  • Crossover learning: Beyond-classroom learning is promoted through field-visits, heritage trails, industry interfaces and internships through an increase in MoUs and collaborations with nodal academic, research and industrial institutes. International crossover has been initiated in this period under the SAKURA programme.
  • Creative and skill-based activities: Student-participation is enhanced through performative events (theatre/roleplay/poetry-recitation), new SDCs, exhibitions and innovation-based projects under IIC.ย  Students are guided to participate in interinstitutional co and extra-curricular competitions to gain diverse learning experience.
  • Academic extension: Experiential learning through outreach is blended in co-curricular engagement by guiding students towards heritage conservation, physical and mental health-awareness and environmental sustainability.

ICT Tools

Serial No. ICT Tool
1 Computer/ laptops
2 LCD Projectors
3 Internet
4 Google Suite
5 Moodle
6 Orell (Language software solution)
7 Inflibnet
8 Kopykitab
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